
Automated reasoning (AR) is a field of computer science concerned with enabling computers to reason, not necessarily like humans, but rather in their own way, so that reasoning can be injected in computer applications. AR is artificial intelligence (AI), symbolic computation (SC), computational logic (CL), and it contributes to the fundamental quest about what computing machines can do. AR methods build proofs (an argument by which something follows from something) or models (a solution to a set of constraints or a counterexample), and settle conjectures about systems (e.g., programs, circuits, data structures, communication protocols, mathematical structures). Automated reasoners include theorem provers, proof assistants, model builders, validity checkers, SAT-solvers (for SATisfiability in propositional logic), SMT-solvers (Satisfiability Modulo Theories), model checkers, and proof checkers, complemented with libraries of theorems and proofs, and knowledge bases of computer-checked mathematics. These tools may be integrated in reasoning environments or embedded in other software. Selected topics in my work in automated reasoning include: and my Research Summary offers an overview with references to the publication list in the CV posted on my main web page.

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Maria Paola Bonacina