Awards and Grants
- Amazon Research Award
Fall 2022,
Advances in conflict-driven satisfiability modulo theories and assignments, 3/2023-2/2024 (PI):
annuncio sul Bollettino dell'Università degli Studi di Verona.
- COST (European COoperation in the field of
Scientific and Technical research) Action
European Research Network on Formal Proofs (EuroProofNet) (CA20111),
European Union, 2021-2025.
- Sabbatical year (congedo per esclusiva attività di ricerca scientifica) 2021-2022 at
SRI International.
- Leave of absence (congedo per motivi di studio) to participate in the programs
Theoretical Foundations of Computer Systems and
Satisfiability: Theory, Practice, and Beyond of the
Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, 1-5/2021.
- Basic Research 2017 Award, SGGS Theorem Proving: Algorithms and Implementation, 4/2017-9/2019 (PI).
- CooperInt 2016 Award, to visit The University of Manchester,
- Sabbatical year (congedo per esclusiva attività di ricerca scientifica) 2015-2016 at
SRI International.
- COST (European COoperation in the field of
Scientific and Technical research) Action
Rich-model toolkit: an infrastructure for reliable computer systems (IC0901),
European Union, 2009-2013:
I was Chair of the Work Group on Decision Procedures
and Program Co-Chair of the Action's Workshop on Synthesis, Verification,
and Analysis of Rich Models (SVARM) in
2011 and
- PRIN (Programma di Ricerca scientifica di rilevante Interesse Nazionale),
Integrating automated reasoning in model checking: towards push-button formal
verification of large-scale and infinite-state systems -- Design and integration of
proof engines for program analysis,
Ministero dell'Istruzione,
dell'Università e della Ricerca, 2008-2010 (Co-PI).
- Teaching Award, 2009-2010, and Research Award, 2008-2010.
- PRIN, Synthesis of deduction-based decision procedures with
applications to the automatic formal analysis of software --
Synthesis of satisfiability procedures from theorem proving strategies,
Ministero dell'Istruzione,
dell'Università e della Ricerca, 2003-2005 (PI).
- Career Development Award,
Fall 2002 (renounced upon resigning from U. Iowa to join U. Verona).
- Dean Scholar Award, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Class of 2000-2002.
- Faculty Early Career Development Award (CAREER),
Distributed Deduction with Contraction and Foundation of Strategy Analysis,
National Science Foundation, 1997-2002 (PI).
- Research Instrumentation Grant,
Instrumentation for research in search technology,
National Science Foundation, 1998-2000 (co-PI).
- Research Initiation Award (RIA),
Strategies for Contraction-Based Distributed Automated Deduction,
National Science Foundation, 1994-1997 (PI).
- Research Assignment, Fall 1996.
- Research Instrumentation Grant,
Experimental parallel and distributed computing research at the University of Iowa,
National Science Foundation, 1994-1995 (co-PI).
- General Electric Foundation Faculty and Old Gold Fellowships,
Parallel Search in Distributed Automated Deduction, 1993-1994 (PI).
- Post-doc Fellowship Human Capital and Mobility of the European Union,
INRIA-Lorraine, Nancy, France, 1993.
- Borsa di studio per il perfezionamento all'estero
(Fellowship of the Università degli Studi di Milano
for its alumni studying abroad) 1991 - 1993.

Maria Paola Bonacina